

    Ob Hersteller, Architekt, Planer, Handwerker oder Auditor: Mit dem DGNB Navigator steht ein komfortables Instrument zur Verfügung, das alle am Produktauswahlprozess Beteiligten unterstützt. Die einzigartige Online-Plattform schafft Transparenz und liefert jedem schnell, präzise und kostenlos wertvolle Informationen zum gesuchten Produkt und dessen Kennwerten – beispielsweise Angaben zu Umweltwirkungen, zur Berechnung von Lebenszykluskosten, Energiebedarf oder Emissionsverhalten.

    CLIMAFLEX® naturefoam

    CLIMAFLEX® naturefoam exzentro

    CLIMAFLEX® naturefoam stabil

    CLIMAFLEX® spiral




    We are pleased to announce the launch of the innovative AEROLINE® range of heat pump connection systems.

    These systems have been designed with simplicity, speed and efficiency in mind.

    As a company renowned for its commitment to comfort and sustainability, NMC offers high quality insulation technology to reduce costs and energy consumption.

    The AEROLINE® range has been developed to meet specific customer needs and includes complete systems for underground piping work, pre-insulated piping systems for pre-laid underground pipes and connection sets for near-wall air/water heat pumps that meet the requirements of building energy laws and regulations.

    With optimised thermal insulation and various pipe options, AEROLINE® guarantees minimum heat loss and improved energy yield.

    Discover more


    Meet us on stand 33, The Carrousel du Louvre.

    Welcome to the world of EnerJ-meeting, which will celebrate energy and environmental efficiency in buildings on 6 February 2024, focusing on the key themes of regulations and trends for “energy sobriety, decarbonisation and efficiency “. The event will bring together 5,000 of the building industry’s key decision makers, against a backdrop of change towards low energy, low carbon, extended, connected and healthy buildings. And this year, EnerJ-meeting will take place in an exceptional new venue, the Carrousel du Louvre!

    06.02.2024 - 06.02.2024

    The Carrousel du Louvre, 99 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 PARIS

  • GebäudeEnergieGesetz – GEG 2020 – ab 1. Nov. 2020 gültig !

    Update zum Dämmen von Rohrleitungen.

    Übersichtliche, praxisorientierte Tabellen des Fachverbandes Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V. FSK erläutern beispielhaft die Dämmung nach dem neuen GebäudeEnergieGesetz GEG 2020 von verschiedenen Rohrleitungen in Gebäuden.

    GEG Update zum Dämmen_30_09_20

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter und www.didi-dä

  • CLIMATUBE® – THE new Brand for our NOMA® assortment

    • The CLIMATUBE® message is „Save energy“ and „Save money“ by insulating cold and warm water pipes.
    • The combination of “CLIMA” and “TUBE” is registered as a brandname and confirms application area as well as product benefit.
    • CLIMATUBE® presents the updated product-range in a clear and structured way.
    • An appealing communication at the POS and in-store will inform end-consumers about the product benefits and encourage them to buy.